Ceramic Classes, Workshops & Art Therapy

Ceramic Classes, Workshops & Art Therapy

Stay tuned for updates on term classes and workshops and please subscribe to the email list at bottom of the home page if you’d like to receive updates.

Kimberley holds a Bachelor Of Fine Art, Post Grad in Education and Diploma of Art Therapy. VIT member, WWC, Holistic Health Professional

-Ceramic hand-building classes at the studio for 8 week terms.                                          -2hr hand-building workshops in-store.                                                                                   -Goddess Goblet workshop (great fun for girlfriends, generational bonding, hen's parties or team building)                                                                                                                       -Art Therapy for individuals and groups, Registered for NDIS clients.                                     -Artist in Residence programs for schools making legacy art projects with students.

Please email Kimberley with any questions regarding classes or workshops at kimberley@mannixceramics.com.au

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